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  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends in your same age
A close friend is what every individual longs after. After all, a day without friendship is like a day without sunshine. A true friend should be one from who we can resort to for help or get valuable suggestions when we are in time of adversity. People differ greatly in their views as to whether or not guidance and advice from older friends is superior to the counterparts from peers. As I see it, advice from elderly friends deserves more praises, although suggestions from our peers are never without their merits.
For a start,rich life experience could be seen as a sort of precious wealth, including those bitter or frustrating experiences. Every individual grows up via experiencing failure or dilemma, one might,at times,feel puzzled,thereby,he or she needs advice and guidance from friends.
Under such circumstances, older friends could be our best teachers because they have accumulated a pool of life wisdom, thus, their advice could be precious life guidance. A survey is persuasive enough to justify my stand, the survey conducted by Vista, after consulting many people have found that most respondents claimed that compared with communicating with peers, they prefer to get advice from elderly friends, for their suggestions could help to diminish the likelihood of failure and avoid detours
This debate reminds me of my Uncle Paul, who is a successful business leader. My uncle had studied in New Zealand for more than five years, so, he strongly recommended me to study abroad when facing with the option of studying at home or furthering my study in a foreign country. His suggestion was that a young man could become mature, tenacious and confident by personal struggle in an unfamiliar environment.
After listening to my uncle’s advice, I studied even harder during the process of self-improvement, I happily found that I can be more attentive and have more self-discipline. More importantly, I had a clear goal to fight for. It was the suggestion form my uncle that helps me to hardened my heart to study overseas. I had deliberately chosen to lead the life I desire, for the life wisdom learning from my uncle could be considered as a shortcut to success.
Indeed, I have to concede that suggestions from peers might still their merits to some extent. An argument hold by some people is that people of the similar age have a lot in common such as growth environment or educational background, in this sense, their communication could be more convincing.
Furthermore, some people might argue that the experiences of past bear little relevance to today’s life. What I want to rebut,however,is that youngster’s understanding about life is far from mature compared with those from older friends, after all, older friends are more far-sighted and wise.
In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that guidance and suggestions from mature friends expert a far more profound and beneficial effect on one’s action.
are obligated to… 有义务去做某事
make it a point to… 确保去做某事
… is a milestone/ milepost in… 在……的过程中是一个标志**件
…is the cradle of… 是……的发源地
… take sanctuary in… 在……中找到避风港
gain/ gather/ lose momentum 某件事情的势头更强劲/势头减弱了
rise to the occasion 迎难而上
exude confidence/ sympathy/ an air of wealth and power (某人)浑身散发着某种品质
a labor of love 发自内心、心甘情愿地去做的努力
get into the swing of things 去努力熟悉、适应身边的事物




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