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Dialogue A

Waiter:Good evening,ladies.Here's your menus.What can I get you to drink?
Karen:I'd like a martini, please.
Jean:A glass Of white wine for me.
Waiter:Okay. Two specials, charbroiled steak and leg of lamb.
Jean:What are you having,Karen?
Karen:The leg of lamb sounds good to me.
Jean:I think I'll get the charbroiled steak.
Waiter:Okay.Okay, vegetables are peas and crrrots, broccoli, corn, or string beans.
Karen:Peas and carrots.
Waiter:Okay.What of dressing?French,Italian,blue cheese,Russian?
Jean:I'd like the charboirled steak.
Jean:And I'd like it medium-rare.And with the broccoli.And baked potato.
Waiter:Okay, fine.
Jean:Oh,and French dressing on the salad,please.
Waiter:Okay,fine.I'll take your menus.

Dialogue B

(Lin=L Clerk=C Waiter=W Mr.Green=MrMrs.Green=Mrs)
(8∶00 p.m.at the restaurant)
W:Here's the menu for this evening.I'll come and take yourorder when you're ready.
L:What soup would you like to have,Mr and Mrs Green?
Mrs:I think we'll have country soup this evening.
L:I know both of you fancy fish.How about a fish casserolefor each?I had it here last Wednesday.It's wonderful.
Mrs:I'm afraid it's too rich for me.I'll have fried sole.
L:And Mr.Green?
Mr:I'll have the same.
W:Can I take your order now?
L:Yes,country soup for all three of us,two fried soles and a beef steak.
W:Would you like the steak well done or rare?
L:Well done.
W:Very good.And what would you like for dessert?
L:(To the Greens) What do you say to vanilla icecream?
Mr and Mrs:Very good.
L:Vanilla icecream for all of us then.
W:Very good,sir.Would you care for something to drink?
L:Yes,a bottle of white wine.Dry.


menu n.菜单
martini n.马丁尼鸡尾酒
steak n.牛排
charbroil vt.用木炭火烤
sound good (口语)听起来不错
pea n.豌豆
carrot n.胡萝卜
broccoli n.花椰菜
corn n.玉米
string bean n.菜豆
bake v.烤
mash vt.捣烂
country soup 乡下浓汤
fancy v.喜欢
casserole n.焙盘
fish~ 鱼锅子
vanilla n.香草
care for 喜欢,愿意
wine n.葡萄酒
dry a.干(的),不甜的




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