2016雅思写作思路拓展示例 - 汽车观察 - 中文静网 来源:https://cnj8.com/i/33/323862.html 2016雅思写作思路拓展示例 雅思写作是最难以把握的,因为没有绝对的正确答案。那么,在雅思写作中应该怎样拓展思路呢?下面就和yjbys网小编一起来了解下吧! Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success .Others argue that happiness depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人认为幸福来自经济成功,有人认为幸福来之其他源泉,讨论两种观点再给出你的意见?(2009年12月12日)   相关题目: Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on health. Discuss both of the views and give your own opinion.幸福和经济成功关联,幸福来自健康,讨论再结论?(2012年10月11日)   思路拓展: 财富为何是幸福的源泉: 1. 财富可以使的人的生活自由,舒适以及帮助人去实现诸多的梦想,例如:环游世界旅行,接受最好的教育,享受世间美食。 2. 财富是社会资源的象征,可以赢得别人的尊敬以及羡慕,可以带来成就感。 幸福的其他源泉: 1. 健康是幸福生活的源泉,失去健康,拥有再多的财富,名声和地位都是没有任何意义的。生活中很多的'例子,企业家富可敌国,但是,健康每况愈下,身体的负担带来心灵的压力,他们很难幸福。 2. 有了健康的保障,人会更加容易事业成功家庭幸福,因为健康可以使人精力充沛地应对事业的挑战以及乐观地实现家庭的和谐。 3. 一个身心健康的人一定是一个乐观自信的人,他开朗的性格会帮助他扩大交友圈,好友的增加自然带来生活的乐趣。   原创语料库: 1. happiness = sense of happiness n 幸福 2. happiness = well-being = pleasure n快乐 3. happiness index n幸福指数 4. economic success = economic achievement n经济成就 5. have large sums of money = own a great deal of wealth v 拥有财富 6. have deep pockets = have money to burn v 财力雄厚 7. wholesome physique and mentality n健康的身心 8. is closely related to = is associated with 和……相关 9. have little correlation to …… v和……不相关联 10. …… is a more essential factor in achieving happiness ……是获得幸福更加重要的因素 11. strengthen one’s sense of fulfillment v增强人的成就感 12. earn respect and admiration from others v赢得别人的尊敬和羡慕 13. fulfill one’s many wonderful dreams v实现诸多的美丽梦想 14. travel all around the globe v环球旅行 15. enjoy the delicious / delectable/ tasty foods in the world v享受世间美食 原创范文赏析: 首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 +作家立场 People have been pondering for years the connotation of true happiness. Perhaps no issue has led to such an end less debate as to whether or not large sums of money could directly bring people well-being. Standards towards happiness differ widely from person to person. My view is that the sense of well-being could derive from wealth, however, other more significant factors have more indispensable roles to play in enhancing one’s happiness index. 二段:论证财富为何是幸福的源泉 Indeed, happiness do closely relate to economic achievement to some extent because a great amount of wealth can make people’s life more enjoyable, comfortable and free. To be more specific, one can fulfill his many dreams such as receiving fine education and traveling around the globe if he or she has deep pocket. Still, economic success implies high social status, which can bring people the sense of happiness and even earn respect from others. 三段:论证幸福更加重要的源泉 Notwithstanding all that, there is no definite correlation between the amount of one’s wealth and his or her happiness index. Happiness,sometimes, does not depend on economic success but completely on wholesome physique and mentality. First, happiness lies in health. More precisely, wealth, fame, or status will be of little meaning if one fails to ensure his health. To illustrate, some affluent enterprisers have money to burn, yet, they are basically unhappy due to the deteriorating health condition and huge mental pressure. Further, health ensures career success and family harmony. In other words, health enables one to brave the career challenges energetically and harmonize the family life optimistically. Ultimately, those who enjoy good health must be confident and optimistic, their pleasant characters can help them enlarge circle of friends. The multiplication of close friends will brighten their spirit and sweeten their lives. 尾段:亮明观点+总结理由 In the final analysis, I re-affirm my conviction that happiness is not only related to economic success but also links to health, which is more significant. Only by means of owing desirable health condition can we enjoy the lifelong sense of pleasure although wealth sometimes indicates the source of happiness. s("content_relate"); 来源:https://cnj8.com/i/33/323862.html 请记住我们的网站,中文静网(cnj8.com),我们用心为您服务!