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A History Question
The history teacher is having a lesson, but Tom is thinking about other things. The teacher asks, “Tom, do you know who is the first president of the United States?” Tom stands up, but he can’t answer this question.
历史老师正在上课,但是汤姆在想别的事情。老师问道:“汤姆,你知道谁是美国第一任总 统吗?”汤姆站了起来,但是他回答不出这个问题。
So the teacher gets angry and shouts, “George Washington!” Tom sits down. “Stand up!” the teacher says angrily, “I don’t let you sit down.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” says Tom, “I thought you called another student.”
于是老师变得很生气,大声说道:“乔治·华盛顿!”汤姆坐下来。“站起来! ”老师生气地说,“我没有让你坐下。”“哦,对不起,”汤姆说,“我以为你在叫另外一个学生。”
history n. 历史
have a lesson 上课
president n. 总统
shout v. 大喊
angrily adv. 生气地
1. Tom is thinking about other things when the teacher is having a lesson. (
2. George Washington is one of Tom’s classmates. (
3. The teacher told Tom the answer. (   )
( ) 1.A.apple
B. pie
C. pear
( ) 2.A.black
B. monkey
C. tiger
( ) 3.A.uncle
B. mother
C. family
( ) 4.A.books
B. bird
C. Bananas
2. little monkey______________
4. cute animals_______________
6. make fruit salad____________
( ) 1.A: Do you have a pineapple? B: _______________.
A. Yes, I have
B. No, I don’t
C. How nice!
( ) 2.A: Here you are! B: _____________.
A. thanks.
B. Great!
C. Thanks.
( ) 3. A: What fruit do you like? B:I like__________
A. tigers
B. grape
C .pineapples
( ) 4.A: Do you like this ________? B: Yes, I like _________.
A. dog; dogs
B. dogs; dogs
C. dogs; dog
( ) 5.I like that lion._______ is fat.
A. It’s
B. They’re
C. It
( ) 6.A:Look at my apple. B:_____________.
A. How big!
B. Here you are.
C. Thank you.
( ) 7. A: How may ________do you have? B: Three
A. mangoes
B. mango
C. banana
( ) 8.I have ________orange and _______pineapple.
A. an; a
B. a; an
C .an; 不填
( ) 9.A:Do you have_______ rubbers? B: No, I don’t.
A. some
B. any
C. a
( ) 10. It’s an animal. It’s black and white. It’s a ________.
A. grape
B. horse
C. panda
My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother’s room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, it’s my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall.
( ) 1. This is Lily’s house.
( ) 2. There are four rooms in the house.
( ) 3. There are three pictures in Lily’s room.
( ) 4. There are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room.
( ) 5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.
Do You Want Me To Tell a Lie?
Mummy: Which apple do you want, Dick?
Dick: The biggest one, Mummy.
Mummy: What? You should be polite and pick the little one. Dick: Should I tell a lie just to be polite, Mummy?
1. Mummy have two pears. ( )
2. Dick wants to eat the big one. ( )
3. Mummy wants Dick to eat the big one. ( )
4. Dick eats the big one, because he doesn’t want to tell a lie. ( )




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