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《牛津小学英语》4b unit6 let’s go by taxi教学设计与评析一、教学内容《牛津小学英语》4b unit6let’s go by taxi b look, read and learn和 c work in pairs二、教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a station, a hospital,by taxi。2.能听懂、会说和会读单词a theatre, a minibus3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型shall we go to……by……?及应答语 all right/ok.三、教学重点、难点1.能听说读写单词a station, a hospital,by taxi。2.能听说读写句型shall we go to……by……?及应答语 all right/ok。四、教具准备录音机、磁带、单词卡片等。五、教学过程step 1.greetingst:good morning,boys and girls.ss: good morning, miss mu.t: how are you?s: fine, thank you. and you?t: i’m very well .thank you. let’s sing a song, ok?ss: ok.学生跟着录音唱《go to school》并做动作。[设计意图:在课一开始,通过warm up让学生在与老师的口语交际中复习旧知识,又逐步培养交际能力。而且歌曲内容与新知联系密切,在唱的过程中不知不觉地为学习新知作好了准备。]step 2 .free talk1.t: (出示公园图片)look at this picture. what’s this in english?s: it’s a park.t: let’s go to the park.s: ( 通过看教师手势回答)ok/all right/good /great.[设计意图:通过tpr教学法,用点头表示all right ,用竖起一个拇指表示good; 用竖起两个大拇指表示great;;用竖起后三个手指,拇指和食指圈成一个圈表示ok,让学生全身心地投入到教学活动中,有利于提高学习效果。]2.t:(出示超市图片)what’s this in english?s: it’s a supermarket.t: (指名编对话) let’s go to the supermarket. but how?s: (做动作)by bike/bus/ car3.教师出示长城图片(the great wall), 指名编对话.s1: let’s go to the great wall.s2: great. but how?s1:by plane.(做动作)[设计意图:教师让学生编对话可以培养学生的交际能力,教师再多激励,可以激发学生的学习兴趣。教师让学生通过free talk,复习了3a中所学的地点类和工具类单词,并结合句型let’s go to…but how?及其答语,一方面从旧知中引出新知的教学,另一方面为新知的学习作了很好的铺垫。step 3 . presentation and practice1.t: today we will learn: unit 6 let’s go by taxi。领读课题并拼读 a taxit: let’s go to …… by taxi.(用不同的地点类单词替换)s:ok/ all right./ good ./ great.(并做动作 )2. learn: a theatre①教师出示电影院图片,问what’s this?s: a cinemat: (出示a theatre图片) is it a cinema, too?s : no, it isn’t.t: a theatre领读,开火车读, 教师指导发音。[设计意图:利用电影院图片引出剧院图片,让学生自己说 no,既让学生避免了两者混淆,又牢牢地记住了新单词 a theatre。]②chant: theatre↑↓→go to the theatre→let’s go to the theatre.t: boys and girls, let’s go to the theatre.s: ok. (手势)t: shall we go to the theatre?




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