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课题:module4 unit1 where are the books about computers?学习目标(注明重难点)1识别单词:library,find,cd-rom,bring,use,card easy2.学习掌握本单元的句型: let’s go to the library. we can find a book about computers there.(重难点)课件设计图片卡片理念设计在学习新单词和句型的过程中,通过情景教学的方式,把学生带入“library”的情景中,并使用多种直观教具,如图片、卡片等,使教学内容更贴近于生活,使学习过程更真实,提高学生的积极性知识回顾:(相关知识)1.认读这些单词:computer bought e-card card bring back clever 2.还记得这些词组和句子吗? be good at excuse me make an e-card here you are
where are the books about computers, please?
听一听、写一写:(预习要求)1. .认真聆听并跟读本单元的课文2遍。2.在下面的格子里认真抄写p46 module4前7个单词2遍。
问题留白:老师提问: 1.i want a book about english food.what can i do? 2.what book do you like?( i like a book about……)我的疑问:
巧练精练:(基础知识练习)1.默写这些单词:图书馆 找到 电脑光盘
带来 使用 卡片 简单的
2.翻译下列词组或句子: i want to make an e-card for mum. where are the books about computers,please? they are on shelf c. can i have your library card,please? please bring back the book in two weeks’time. it’s easy with a computer.




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