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  Section Ⅱ Use of English
  ( 15 minutes)
  Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word.
  Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
"The more gadgets there are, the (31)things seem to get. " said Honore Ervin, co-author of The Et- iquette Girls: Things You Need to Be Told. "Just because it' s there (32) __ your disposal, doesn' t mean you have to use it 24/7. "
A recent (33) __ by market research company Synovate showed that 70 percent of 1,000 respondents (34) __ the poorest etiquette in cell phone users over other devices. The worst habit? Loud phone conversa- tions in public places, or "cell yell, " (35)__ to 72 percent of the Americans polled.
"People use (36)__ anywhere and everywhere, " Ervin said. "At the movies--turn (37)_ your cell phone. I don' t want to pay $10 to be sitting next to some guy chitchatting to his girlfriend (38) __ his cell phone. " This rudeness has deteriorated public spaces, according to Lew Friedland, a communication profes- sor (39)_ the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He (40) __ the lack of manners a kind of uncon- scious rudeness, ( 41 ) __ many people are not ( 42 ) __ of what they' re doing or the others around
“people use (36)___anywhere and everywhere,” Ervin said. “At the movies-turn(37)__ your cell phone. I don’t want to pay $ 10 to be sitting next to some guy chitchatting to his girlfriend (38)___his cell phone.” This rudeness has deteriorated public spaces, accroding to Lew Friedland, a communication professor(39)___the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He (40)___ the lack of manners a kind of unconscious rudeness, (41)__
Many people are not (42)____of what they’re doing or the others around them.
"I think it' s really noticeable in any plane, train or bus (43) __ you' re subjected against your will (44)someone else' s conversation, " he said. "You can listen to intimate details of their uncle' s illness, problems with their lovers and (45)_ they' re having for sinner. " "It (46)_ what was a public common space and starts to (47) __ it up into small private space. "
A short time ago, if cell phone users (48) __ politely asked to talk quietly, they would (49) __ with chagrin, he said. "Now more and more people are essentially treating you like you don' t understand that loud cell phone use is (50)_ in public. "
  Section lI Use ofEnglish(每小题1分,共计20分,权重l0%)
31.worse 【解析】“the+比较级,the+比较级”,意为“越…越…,”根据上下文,本句句意为“身边的小玩意儿越多,事情似乎就会变得越糟糕。”所以此处应填“worse”。
32.at 【解析】此题考固定搭配,at one’S disposal,意为“任某人自由支配、使唤”。所以此处应填介词“at”。
33.poll 【解析】此句意为“Synovate市场研发公司的调查显示”,poll的意思为“民意调查”。因此答案为“poll“。
34.found 【解析】此句意为“l,000名受访者中有70%的发现,相对于其他设备来说,在使用手机时人们表现出最差的礼仪”,所以答案为“found”。
35.according【解析】according to为“依据”,为固定短语,意为“根据美国的民意调查”。所以此处填according。
36.them 【解析】本题考查代词的用法,根据上下文,此处句意为“人们使用这些小玩意儿。”上文已经提到gadgets,所以这里用代词“them”代替。
37.off 【解析】turn off是“关掉”的意思,此题考查动词短语的用法,根据上下文语境,这里意思是“关掉你的手机”。所以用副词“off”。
38.on 【解析】此题也考查介词的用法,在电话中交谈,一般用on the phone。所以此处应填介词“on”。
39.at 【解析】某大学的教授,应为“a professor at...university”,所以答案为介词“at”。
40.calls 【解析】此句意为“他把这种缺乏礼节的行为称作是一种无意识的无礼”。call+双宾语结构,以为“把…称为”,所以此处填“calls”。
41.as 【解析】此处为因果关系,意为“因为许多人没有…”,因此此处应填连词“as”。
42.aware 【解析】be aware of,固定搭配,意为“意识到”。所以此处应填“aware”
43.where 【解析】此题考查where引导的定语从句,修饰前面提到的plane,train or bus。所以此处应填关系副词“where”。
44.to 【解析】be subjected to为固定搭配,“使遭受,使服从”的意思,要学会跨过其他成分寻找主干。所以此处应填介词“to”。
45.what 【解析】此题考查what引导的宾语从句。要注意分析句子中的成分,此空为listen to后的宾语。所以此处应填引导词“what”。
46.takes 【解析】要注意时态,这里意为“占据”,所以所以此处应填“takes”
47.divide 【解析】根据上下文语境,这里是“分为”,divide...up into意为“把·一划分为”。所以此处应填动词“divide”。
48.were 【解析】考查被动语态的用法,注意分析句子成分。所以此处应填“were”。
49.comply 【解析】此处句意为“他们会很懊恼地服从”,表示服从,遵从的短语是comply with。所以此处应填“comply”。
50.normal 【解析】根据上下文可以判断此处句意为“很正常的事情”,因此此处应填“normal”。




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