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   A. How B. Why C. When D. Who
  90. ---What time do you get up _________ weekdays?
   ---_______ six thirty.
   A. in, At B. on, At C. of, About D. from, At
  91. ---May I have some more tea?
   ---Yes, of course you __________.
   A. may B. may not C. cant D. must
  92. ---Would you like some sugar in your milk?
   ---Yes, just _____________.
   A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
  93. ---Could you help me cover these bottles?
   ---_________, but Im quite busy.
   A. Im afraid B. I think so C. Id love to D. I am not sure
  94. ---Can you ________ me your dictionary?
   ---Certainly, you can ___________ it for two days.
   A. lend, borrow B. borrow, borrow C. borrow, keep D. lend, keep
  95. ---Where is your father?
   ---He is not here now. He ________ to the office.
   A. has been B. has gone C. is going D. will go
  96. Mum, have you ______ the party? Its time to leave now. said Dick.
   A. waited for B. looked for C. got ready for D. heard from
  97. ---Tom, the radio is too noisy. Will you please ________ a bit?
   ---Sorry, Ill do it.
   A. turn it up B. turn up it C. turn it down D. turn down it
  98. ---She isnt a student, is she?
   ---_______. She is a teacher.
   A. Yes, she isnt B. No, she is C. Yes, she is D. No, she isnt
  99. Every year, ________ fishes are killed by the polluted water.
   A. million of B. millions of C. two millions of D. two millions
  100. ---Mum, I think Im _______ to go to school.
  ---Not really, my dear. Youd better stay at home for another day.
   A. so well B. very good C. well enough D. good enough
  101. This T-shirt is very nice, but it _______ too much.
   A. spends B. pays C. takes D. costs
  102. Now more and more people are busy _______ about the Internet.
   A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned
  103. ---Is the post office _________ now?
  ---No, its __________.
   A. open, close B. opening, closingC. open, closed D. opened, close
  104. ---Im sorry. I ______ my homework at home.
  ---Thats all right. Remember to bring it to school this afternoon.
   A. forgot B. left C. brought D. took
  105. ---I cant see whos running ______. They are neck and neck.
  ---Yes. They are both good runners.
   A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. most fast
  106. ---Are you interest in Chinese or English, Kate?
  ---________. I prefer P.E.
   A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None




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