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61.Youd better __________ his opinion before making a decision.
A. look for B. search for C. find out D. work out
62.-Could you tell me who invented _________ telephone?
-_________ Scotch scientist named _________ Alexander Graham Bell.
A. /, A, / B. a, The, / C. the, A, / D. /, A, an
63.Did you break _________ windows?
A. the both B. both of C. both the D. either of
64.Lets put ________ of these pictures on the wall.
A. some one B. someone C. some ones D. everyone
65.-Id like to go hunting with you, but I have a meeting ________.
-If you dont go, __________.
A. to attend, so do I B. attending, so will I
C. attend, neither will I D. to attend, nor will I
66.What will be the results _________ the students in our class?
A. of B. for C. to D. with
67.-Hurry up, you _________ on the phone.
-Oh, I coming. Thank you.
A. are wanted B. are being wanted C. want D. are wanting
68.I, _________ your friend, will try my best to help you out.
A. who is B. that is C. who am D. who are
69.I asked him to __________ me a few minutes so that we could talk over the matter.
A. spend B. save C. share D. spare
70.There they got married and ________ their young.
A. fed B. felt C. raised D. rose
71.He tried not to _________ mixed up in politics.
A. make B. take C. have D. get
72.-Would you like a cup of coffee?
-Yes, I _________.
A. would B. would like C. would like to D. like
73.-Shall I tell Ann how to improve her painting?
-Yes, but _________ of suggestions may discourage her.
A. a list too long B. a too long list C. too long a list D. a list of too long
74.Would you please do me __________ favor to pass me the book?
A. a B. an C. the D. /
75.My dictionary __________. I have looked for it everywhere, but still _______ it.
A. has lost, dont find B. is missing, didnt find
C. has lost, havent found D. is missing, havent found
76.Its _________ impossible to make such a long journey in such an old car.
A. rather B. very C. fairly D. quite
77.A soldier ran all the ________ from Marathon to Athens.
A. road B. way C. path D. route
78.It was __________ exciting news that all of us couldnt help _________.
A. so a, crying B. such, crying C. so, to cry D. such an, crying
79.If we want to win the race, we shall have to _________.
A. go along B. go into C. go there D. go all out
80.Words are the bricks _________ we build sentences to express our ideas.
A. through which B. from which C. which D. of which
61-65. CCCCD
66-70. BACDC
71-75. DCCBD
76-80. DBBDD




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