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201.I ________ in a brick factory for twelve years. Now Im a farmer.
A. worked B. work C. have worked D. was working
202.-What about the speech he made this afternoon?
-_________ he said so quite exciting, I think.
A. what B. That C. / D. All
203.I dont think Frank is _______ Englishman as Bill.
A. as able an B. able as an C. as an able D. an as able
204.-Its raining hard, Im afraid Ill miss the train if I wait here.
-Can I give you a ________?
A. hand B. lift C. movement D. drive
205.I dont know English, not _________ French.
A. mention B. mentioned C. to mention D. mentioning
206.-When did Mr Black take you to Beijing?
A. As a young man B. At the age of 20 C. In my twenties D. I was 20
207.-Could it be in the meeting room _________ you had talk with me yesterday evening _________ you left behind your keys and papers?
A. that, where B. that, that C. where, where D. where, that
208.-I __________ not do my homework, said the boy.
-You __________, said his father.
A. will, will B. shall, shall C. shall, will D. will, shall
209.Books are the most important records we keep __________ mans thoughts, ideas and feelings.
A. on B. away C. of D. in touch with
210.-What do people wear when they go to the theatre?
-Well, it isnt very __________. People can wear anything they like.
A. certain B. normal C. modern D. simple
211.I didnt like Aunt Lucy, who ________ without warning and bringing us presents.
A. always turned up B. has always turned up
C. had always turned up D. was always turning up
212.-Do you have any blouse in yellow?
-Sorry. What about this cream color. It __________ well with almost anything.
A. goes B. fits C. does D. gets
213.The people invited to the ball my dress ___________ they please.
A. however B. whatever C. wherever D. whenever
214.Im afraid I havent got time to ___________ the matter right now.
A. go into B look for C. turn over D. clean out
215.The chairman ordered that the meeting _______ put off.
A. should B. is C. was D. be
216.-Have you seen ________ pen? I left it here this morning.
-Is it _______ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.
A. a, the B. the, the C. the, a D. a, a
217.-Did you enjoy the book?
-Yes, it was so interesting that I couldnt ________ it.
A. get rid of B. break away from
C. keep away from D. tear myself away from
218.Am I _______ the way if I turn _________ the radio?
A. in, on B. on, off C. all, down D. by, off
219.Hellen used to be very shy but she has grown __________ it now.
A. without B. over C. away D. out of
220.I saw some foreigners _________ in the reception room.
A. seating B. seat C. to sit D. seated
201-205. ABABC
206-210. CDDCB
211-215. DAAAD
216-220. ADADD




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