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  And with water present the __3__ of finding some sort of life on Mars are __4__ brighter.
  This is the view of 40 __5__ all over the world who have been analyzing __6__ of pictures and other scientific __7__ obtained by robot explorers in the sixties and seventies.
  To begin with scientists thought the Red Planet was as __8__ as the Moon with dust storms swirling over vast sandy __9__. But now the picture is very different with mountains and valleys carved by __10__ glaciers and torrential rivers rushing and rumbling deep underground.
  In a report on the __11__ of the Martian pictures Dr. Michael Car of the US Geological Survey comments: I am __12__ theres lots of water on Mars. Any surface water will be in the __13__ of ice. But it could save explorers __14__ to take so much fresh __15__ with them.
  The report says __16__ Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages __17__ due to its axis having been more steeply tilted towards the Sun.
  __18__ convincing signs of plant or animal life have been __19__ by instruments soft landed on Mars, __20__ only the immediate vicinity of landing vehicles could be examined.
  1. A) expected B) hoped C) required D) eager
  2. A) to B) of C) more D) in
  3. A) chances B) openings C) occasions D) opportunities
  4. A) quite B) very C) much D) more
  5. A) biologists B) geologists C) sociologists D) psychologists
  6. A) lots B) quantities C) thousand D) thousands
  7. A) tidings B) news C) intelligence D) information
  8. A) peaceful B) quiet C) lifeless D) dead
  9. A) deserts B) mountains C) seas D) rivers
  10. A) energetic B) great C) massive D) mighty
  11. A) diagnosis B) syntheses C) analysis D) analyses
  12. A) convinced B) guaranteed C) believed D) proved
  13. A) appearance B) mould C) form D) shape
  14. A) taking B) having C) conveying D) carrying
  15. A) water B) ice C) food D) vegetable
  16. A) what B) if C) how D) that
  17. A) pass B) past C) ago D) before
  18. A) Not B) No C) Nor D) Never
  19. A) detected B) touched C) seen D) felt
  20. A) probably B) perhaps C) supposed D) although




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