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  55.The two countries will be obliged to ____ of these chemical weapons under the convention.
  A.impose B.disclose C.dispose D.depose
  56.All these pose another stumbling block for Chinese painting to ____.
  A.overcome B.overwhelm C.overfulfill D.overlook
  57.Since he couldnt open the door with his key,he assumed that someone had ____ with the lock.
  A.scampered B.pampered C.hampered D.tampered
  58.To meet the challenges of the job crisis,various countries should ____ tactics that suit their own national conditions.
  A.adapt B.adopt C.abolish D.abuse
  59.Its a matter of ____ true values in the youngest segment of the population.
  A.navigating B.inculcating C.dedicating D.irrigating
  60.Japans auto market ____ for two-thirds of Tokyos massive $60 billion trade surplus with Washington.
  A.encounters B.counters C.discounts D.accounts
  C A D B B D
  55.impose打扰,施加影响 disclose揭发,透露 dispose处理 depose罢免,证实
  56.overwhelm覆盖,制服,毁坏 overfulfill超额完成 overlook眺望,忽略,宽恕
  57.scampere奔逃,浏览 pampere纵容,娇养 hampere妨碍 tampere胡乱摆弄,瞎搞
  59.navigate飞行,驾驶 inculcate反复灌输,谆谆教诲 dedicate奉献 irrigate灌溉,滋润,冲洗




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