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  • 仁慈耶稣大教堂

  • 景点介绍
    • Kachia69
    • 建筑超棒,但是被严重忽略了。公园保持的很干净整洁。天高气爽的时候在这里散散步是个不错的选择。如果像我们似的在炎热的天气(五月份)去的话,就会像在烤盘上一样。

    • ks2410
    • 来这里参观很好。我们听说过圣弗朗西斯泽维尔的遗体,也想多了解一些。我们还雇了一个导游给我们讲解历史,带着我们走过这些地方。虽然持续的时间够长了,但是你可能还想花更多的事情去更多的了解这个地方,会花更多的时间。

    • McQueenM
    • 印度、穆斯林、基督教或者无神论者,无论你是哪种人,当你在果阿的时候一定要来参观这个地方。大教堂旁边的声光表演非常的了不起。看到一个500多年都没有腐烂的婴儿,觉得非常棒!!!

    • Khoz
    • 老果阿教堂,不可错过的一个地方,这里保存了圣弗朗西斯泽维尔的灵柩和遗体——圣人遗体每十年会移动一个地方,供各地人们瞻仰。大教堂的墙上既没有石膏像也没有壁画。可以拍照,但是只能照地方,不能照到你本人和家人、朋友。

    • RRohatgi
    • 这个教堂属于联合国教科文组织的文化遗产,是果阿必看景点。建议一定要找个导游,这样能了解到教堂的很多细节...花100巴克很值。

    • mimibarbie2001
    • One of the best churches in Goa I saw. This Church is one of the major attractions for tourists. Even the Goan locals are regular here. The decor, scenery and ambience is very good. A must visit place in Goa!

    • SiddheshK_12
    • Overhyped and crowded..yes..nothing more nothing less.Can be skipped. If you are on your way to south goa then you can try and stop and be ready for disappointment.

    • raj0108
    • This church is the most visited by tourists.we had a good guide who gave us a tour of the church and I think everyone should take a guided tour.there are lot of things regarding the mortal remains of St.francis xavier and the architecture which one cannot understand by simply gazing around.there are few other structures in around the vicinity which can be visited along with this.The drive to old Goa itself is very lovely,the whole stretch of Mandovi river is amazing..

    • bishwaksen
    • This is a must see for both history buffs and religious Christians. Its a unique building with an interesting facade. All the other churches here are painted white, this one retains its stony red brick colour. The inside is adorned with painting, statues and small chapels. The main altar, painted golden, is wonderful. To the right of it lies a chamber with the body of the Saint. The chamber is adorned with many Christian paintings. There is a museum upstairs with many statues and paintings. There are many relics of the saint including the original coffin. There is an intricately decorated doorway.You can't take pictures inside the museum, there is a nominal ticket for it.You can take pictures inside the main cathedral, but not selfies. Also, you nee to be dressed soberly.

    • Shasa149
    • A world heritage site, big with beautiful interiors. It contains the mortal remains of St. Francis Xavier and is one of the oldest churches in Goa. And it has an Art Gallery within where the entry fee is Rs 10 per person n it contains various exhibits related to churches around goa. A must see.

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