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主题公园内可全天使用的付费寄存柜位于主题公园主入口附近。 以下景点的入口处也设有寄存柜存放所有零散物品(可能需要收取额外费用): - 哈利·波特与禁忌之旅™ - 飞越侏罗纪 - 霸天虎过山车






除指定吸烟区外,其它区域严禁吸烟,包括电子烟。请在主题公园地图上查看距离您最近的吸烟区,或询问工作人员。 吸烟有害健康。


北京环球影城内有两个家庭中心,其中一个位于进入主题公园后的入口广场右侧,另一个位于功夫熊猫盖世之地的医疗站内。家庭中心可以提供以下服务: 静室:特殊配置的房间,有认知障碍的游客与家人可以在此稍作休息。 哺乳室:带锁的私密房间,供哺乳用,并配有椅子。 家庭式卫生间。


主题公园内的自动取款机位于小黄人乐园和功夫熊猫盖世之地。 货币兑换服务分别位于城市大道的中国工商银行、环球影城大酒店大堂以及诺金度假酒店大堂。


好莱坞:落霞餐厅、梅尔斯餐厅 侏罗纪世界:飞行猎手餐厅、琥珀岭餐厅、至景餐厅、哈蒙德餐厅 变形金刚基地:赛博坦骑士餐厅、背离的秘密餐吧、能量晶体补充站 功夫熊猫盖世之地:熊猫婆婆私房菜、功夫小吃、平先生面馆 未来水世界:漂流者小馆 哈利.波特的魔法世界™:三把扫帚™、猪头酒吧 小黄人乐园:老巢餐厅、美食广场







Universal Beijing Resort and Universal Studios Beijing Rules and Regulations欢迎您来到北京环球度假区(“度假区”)!本入园须知覆盖北京环球度假区中的北京环球城市大道(“城市大道”),北京环球度假区水系(“水系”)以及北京环球影城(“主题公园”),请您知悉:Welcome to Universal Beijing Resort ("Resort"). These Rules and Regulations apply to Universal CityWalk Beijing ("CityWalk"), Universal Beijing Resort Waterway ("Waterway"), and Universal Studios Beijing (“Park”) within Universal Beijing Resort. Please abide by the following regulations:到访北京环球度假区的游客应遵守本须知内容。Guests visiting Universal Beijing Resort shall comply with the Rules and Regulations.

安检流程及餐饮政策:(Security Inspection Process and Food Policy)

o 根据相关法律法规和政府部门的指导意见,所有游客及其所有包袋、背包、箱子、推车及其他携带物品在进入北京环球度假区前必须进行安全检查。基于安全考虑,我们可能拒绝游客将个别包袋、包裹或其他物品带入度假区,并将以适当的方式处理无人看管的物品。o According to relevant laws and regulations and the guiding opinions of government departments, all guests and their bags, backpacks, packages, strollers and other belongings shall be subject to security inspections before they enter Universal Beijing Resort. We reserve the right not to allow any bag, parcel or other items to be brought into the Resort, and to deal with any unattended object in such a way as deemed appropriate, for safety reason。o 安检时将会使用安检门、X光机和手持金属探测仪。o Metal detectors and X-ray machines will be used for security check.o 不得携带以下物品进入度假区:o The following items cannot be brought into the Resort:• 玻璃制品(如水杯和饭盒等,因医疗、婴幼儿或特殊饮食需求除外)• Glass products (e.g. cups, bowls, etc., except for medical, infant, or special dietary needs)• 自行车或使用带轮的玩乐装备(如滑板、轮滑鞋和滑板车等)• Bicycles or recreation devices with wheels (e.g. skateboards, roller blades, scooters, etc.)• 武器、刀剪、易爆品、危险化学品和易燃品(如氢气球,以及带有易燃标识的喷雾和发胶等)• Weapons, knives, scissors, explosive items, dangerous chemicals and flammable articles (e.g. hydrogen balloons, spray and hairspray with flammable labels, etc.)• 宠物,协助残疾人的经过培训的导盲犬除外(导盲犬必须系牵引绳)。请注意部分景点可能不允许导盲犬乘坐• Animals other than trained guide dogs who assist persons with disabilities (guide dogs must remain on a leash or in a harness). Please note that guide dogs may not be permitted to ride certain attractions• 尺寸超过长56厘米 x 宽36厘米 x 高23厘米的包或容器• Bags / containers more than 56cm x 36cm x 23cm• 玩具枪、弹弓、弓或弩• Toy guns, slingshot, arch or crossbow• 渔具、风筝或遥控设备(如无人机和遥控玩具等)• Fishing gear, kites or remote-controlled devices (e.g. drones and remote-controlled toys, etc.)• 法律禁止的或其他任何可能造成伤害或混乱的物品• Items prohibited by laws or other items that may be harmful or disruptiveo 餐饮政策:o Food Policy:• 北京环球度假区内的餐厅和零售店将为游客提供种类丰富、新鲜美味的各种美食。与此同时,我们理解并尊重游客可能会有携带部分自用食品和饮料入园的需求。为了保障所有游客拥有安全、愉悦的游乐体验,请您知悉以下食品和饮料出于安全考虑及可能对他人体验造成影响,请勿携带进入北京环球度假区(因医疗、婴幼儿或特殊饮食需求除外):• 含有酒精的饮料(如:啤酒、烈酒等) • 需要加热或加工的食品(如:需以加热水、微波加热或自热等方式加工的方便面、冷食、速食火锅等) • 带有刺激性气味的食品及饮料(如:榴莲等)• Universal Beijing Resort offers a variety of fresh and delicious food options for our guests to enjoy at restaurants and concession stands throughout the Resort. However, we understand and respect that guests may need to bring some outside food and drinks for self-consumption. To ensure a safe and pleasant experience for all guests, please note that for safety and to avoid impacts on other guests, the following food and drinks will not be allowed into the Resort (except for medical, infant, or special dietary needs): • Alcoholic beverages (e.g. beer, spirits, etc.)• Foods that need to be heated or processed (e.g. instant noodles, cold food, instant hotpot, etc., which need to be processed by adding hot water, microwave heating, or self-heating) • Food and drinks with pungent odors (e.g. durian, etc.)• 请随时看管好您的私人财物,并自行为其安全负责。• Guests shall not leave personal belongings unattended at any time, and shall be responsible for the safety and security of their own personal belongings.• 请照看好同行的儿童。不满16周岁的游客必须由16周岁以上(含)的游客陪同。• Please supervise your children at all times. Guests under 16 must be accompanied by a guest aged 16 or older.• 我们可能因为游客行为举止不当或出于安全因素考虑而拒绝该游客入园或要求其离园。• We may refuse or expel any person whose conduct is objectionable or for safety reasons. • 进入北京环球影城,游客须持有有效门票,并且需提供政府颁发的有效身份证件原件用于年龄及身份验证*,包括:• Guests must have valid tickets for entry into Universal Studios Beijing and are requested to provide physical valid government ID cards for age and identification verification*. Such ID cards include: o 中国大陆居民:居民身份证o For residents of Mainland China: Resident IDo 中国香港、中国澳门居民:港澳居民来往内地通行证或港澳居民居住证o For residents of Hong Kong, China and Macao, China: Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents or Mainland Residence Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residentso 中国台湾居民:台湾居民来往大陆通行证或台湾居民居住证o For residents of Taiwan, China: Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents or Mainland Residence Permit for Taiwan Residentso 外国公民:护照或外国人永久居留身份证o For foreign citizens: Passport or Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card• 游客每次进入主题公园前均需于北京环球度假区指定的官方移动应用(例如北京环球度假区官方App、阿里小程序和微信小程序)上预约入园时段,分时有序入园。有效的入园权益连同预约记录,共同构成有效的入园凭证,缺一不可。• Guest shall make a reservation for desired visitation date and timeslot in advance for each Park admission through Official Mobile Applications designated by Universal Beijing Resort (such as Universal Beijing Resort Official App, WeChat Mini Program, or Alibaba Mini Program), and enter the Park in the reserved timeslot. Valid Park admission and reservation record together constitute an effective admission media, both are indispensable.• 受限于主题公园门票条款及条件,主题公园入园门票不可转让,一经更改立即作废,于入园当天及到期或使用后不可退票,且门票在其有效期内仅供同一人使用。不同门票产品的具体政策,请参阅订票页面票务详情。• Park admission tickets are non-transferable, void if altered, non-refundable on the day of visit or after usage or expiration, must be used by the same person during its period of validity, and are subject to terms and conditions of the admissions tickets. Please refer to the details on the ticket purchase page for specific policies for different ticket products.• 请参考游乐景点等候时间及开放时间,计划您的行程。在主题公园一天的运营时间内,游客可能无法体验所有游乐景点。游客是否可以体验各个游乐景点,视具体安全规则(如身高限制、身体健康状况限制等)而定。• Please plan your schedule based on the waiting time and opening hours of the attractions. A guest may not be able to experience all attractions in one day during the operating hours of the Park. Guests' access to attractions is determined by specific safety regulations (e.g., height restrictions or physical health conditions).• 排队等候时,请尊重其他游客,所有同行人员须一同排队。• Please respect fellow guests when waiting in lines. All members of the same party must wait in line together.• 在北京环球度假区水系中仅允许度假区运营的船舶行驶。• Only boats operated by the Resort are permitted in the Universal Beijing Resort Waterway.• 请使用指定的人行道和道路通行。• All guests must stay on designated walkways and pathways.• 请遵循度假区工作人员的指引。• Guests must adhere to all directions given by Team Members of the Resort.

在北京环球度假区范围内,为了给所有游客提供安全舒适的环境,您不得进行以下活动:(To provide a safe, secure and pleasant environment for all our guests in Universal Beijing Resort, the following are strictly prohibited)

• 倒票、示威抗议、请愿或拉客。• Ticket scalping, picketing, petitioning, or soliciting.• 未经我们书面允许出售、出租、交换、散发或展示商品或服务,包括但不限于任何形式的导游服务、度假区提供的产品及服务或任何其他种类的物品。• Selling, leasing, exchanging, distributing or displaying goods or services, including but not limited to tour services of any kind, products or services offered by the Resort or any other type of miscellaneous items unless otherwise agreed by us in writing.• 分发或展示未经我们书面允许的任何形式的印刷品、录制品、旗帜、横幅或标语牌。• Distributing or displaying printed materials, recorded materials, flags, banners or signs of any kind unless otherwise agreed by us in writing.• 进行未经我们书面允许的集会、主题活动、演出、演讲或行为艺术。• Rallies, themed events, performance, speeches or action arts unless otherwise agreed by us in writing.• 任何违法、危险、扰乱秩序、造成混乱、具有破坏性的行为或对其他游客和工作人员具有攻击性的行为或可能危及他人的行为。此类行为包括:• Any conduct or behavior that is illegal, unsafe, disorderly, disruptive, or offensive to fellow guests or our Team Members, or which may endanger others. Such conduct includes:o 打架或威胁他人o Engaging in fighting or threatening behavioro 排队时与他人发生冲撞、推搡o Bumping into and pushing others in the queueo 使用侮辱性语言、污秽言语或不雅及威胁性质的手势o Using profanity or obscenities, or gesturing in an obscene or threatening mannero 在商店门口、人行道、出入口或电梯附近长时间停留,妨碍他人o Lingering in and blocking storefronts, sidewalks, entrances, exits or elevatorso 多人并排行走给他人造成不便o Walking in groups in such a way as to inconvenience others o 踩踏草坪或进入园林景观区域o Stepping on the grass or entering landscaped areaso 奔跑、慢跑或攀爬o Running, jogging or climbingo 使用产生噪音的设备(如收音机、喇叭、哨子、大型扩音器、人造噪音机或其他产生巨大噪音的设备)o Using noise makers (such as radios, horns, whistles, large megaphones, artificial noise makers or other devices that cause excessive noise)o 进入北京环球度假区水系的水域、下水游泳、钓鱼捕鱼、野餐、露营和烹饪/烧烤o Entering the water of Universal Beijing Resort Waterway, swimming, fishing, picnicking, camping and cooking/barbequing• 衣着不适宜或着装暴露,穿戴不当、不雅,衣着印有侮辱性语言或邪教类标识,或着装影响其他游客体验。• Failing to be properly and fully clothed or wearing inappropriate or indecent attire, with printed offensive language or cult related symbols, or attire that could detract from the experience of other guests.• 穿着可能被游客误认为是度假区工作人员或演职人员的服装。• Clothing that may mislead guests into thinking you are a Team Member or entertainer of the Resort.• 未经我们书面允许使用特效妆容(包括遮盖部分面部〔例如眼睛、鼻子或嘴〕的妆容),使用全脸面罩、遮盖全脸或大部分脸的其他面罩或(任何形状的)头盔(但不包括度假区内售卖的玩具或服务等,亦不包括出于医疗或健康原因佩戴的面罩/口罩)。• Using prosthetic makeup (including makeup that conceals part of the face, like the eyes, nose, or mouth), full-face masks, or other masks (of any shape) and helmets that hide the entirety of the face or more than half of the face (this excludes toys, services, etc. sold within the Resort, and face coverings/masks worn for medical or health reasons) unless otherwise agreed by us in writing.• 在指定吸烟区以外的区域吸烟或使用电子烟。• Smoking or the usage of e-cigarettes outside the designated smoking areas.• 拍照、录像、录音或直播,用于私人和非商业用途的除外。• Photography, videotaping, audio recording, or live streaming of any kind except for personal and non-commercial purposes.• 随地乱扔垃圾或其他个人物品,未将其投入垃圾桶。• Littering or discarding any trash or personal belonging, except in designated trash receptacles.• 任何适用法律明令禁止的其他行为。• The commission of any act defined by any applicable laws as a prohibited activity.

我们的权利:(Our Rights)

• 我们可能在度假区内摄像、摄影和/或录音。您进入度假区将视为您同意被摄像、摄影和/或录音,并同意我们将包含您肖像和/或声音的影像和/或录音用于我们的业务、行政和运营目的或其他直接相关的目的,用于满足法律、安全或保安要求的目的,或其它合法目的。• We may take photographs, video recording, or audio recording in the Resort. By entering the Resort, you agree to be photographed, filmed, and recorded and you also approve our use of images and/or recording of your portrait and/or voice for our business, administration, operation purposes or other directly related purposes, for the purpose of satisfying legal, safety, or security requirements, or other legal purposes.• 出于度假区安全、游园秩序的考虑,或者在其他我们认为必要的情况下,对于任何不遵守本入园须知、或我们各种产品的条款及条件、或相关法律法规和政策的个别人士,我们有权拒绝向该等人士提供各类产品或服务、或拒绝该等人士入园、或要求该等人士立即离园。• We reserve the right to refuse to provide products or services to, or deny entry, or immediately expel individuals who are in violation of these Rules and Regulations, or the terms and conditions for our products, or relevant laws, regulations and policies, to ensure the safety or order of the Resort, or due to other necessary conditions as we see fit.• 极端天气、恶劣天气或空气质量状况将影响我们的运营(如:遭遇雨雪、冰雹、雷电、沙尘暴、空气污染等) ,或出于园区的承载能力、健康与安全需要、特殊活动或其他必要原因的考虑,我们可能不定期采取如下措施:• In consideration of extreme or severe weather or air quality that may impact our operations (e.g. snow, rain, hail, lightning, sandstorm, air pollution, etc.), park capacity, health and safety, special events, and other necessary circumstances, we may, from time to time:o 更改主题公园或主题公园内任何游乐景点的开放时间o Change the opening hours of the Park or any attraction in the Parko 临时关闭度假区或度假区内的任何部分区域o Temporarily close the Resort or any area of the Resorto 控制入园人数,或o Control the number of guests in the Park, or o 暂停、调整(包括调整时间安排或地点)或取消任何游乐景点、娱乐演出、场馆或菜单o Suspend, adjust, reschedule, relocate, or cancel any attraction, entertainment, show, venue, or menu上述规定中提及的“我们”指“北京国际度假区有限公司”或/和“北京国际度假区有限公司主题公园和度假区管理分公司”。For the purposes of these rules, “we” and/or “our” means either or both of “Beijing International Resort Co., Ltd.” and/or "Beijing International Resort Co., Ltd. Theme Park and Resort Management Branch".除中国法律另有规定外,任何针对度假区的诉讼,均应由度假区住所地人民法院管辖,适用中国法律且排除冲突法规则。Unless otherwise prescribed by PRC laws, all claims against the Resort shall be submitted to the court with jurisdiction at the Resort's domicile and be governed by PRC laws without regard to conflicts of laws.如有疑问,或遇紧急情况,请咨询现场工作人员或拨打客户服务热线4008-778899。If you have any questions or encounter an emergency, please consult an onsite Team Member, or dial the Guest Services Hotline via 4008-778899.上述入园须知可能会未经提前通知而变更。These Rules and Regulations are subject to change at any time without prior notice.* 度假区使用人像比对技术核验主题公园票务产品,您可前往游客服务处选择其他核验方式。* Resort uses photo validation technology to verify Park ticket products, please visit Guest Services to opt out.





北京地铁“环球度假区站”为北京环球度假区配套建设项目,与北京地铁七号线和八通线相连接。前往北京环球度假区的游客,可选择乘坐地铁在该站下车, 从B、C、D出站口步行约7分钟即可抵达北京环球城市大道入口安检处。
- 市区定制公交往返
- 度假区周边巡游定制公交接驳


元朝趣闻:马拉松不是现代运动 忽必烈也搞过!
瓦剌人送给明朝一个阴谋 让景泰皇帝措手不及
增加瘦体重通常可以采用下面那种运动方式( )。
( )是创业项目得以稳定发展的关键一步。
如果是有一定运动基础的人都会知道,在运动之前的( )非常重要!
女皇武则天神奇预言解密 竟一语道破天机!
鲜为人知的植物特异功能 你都知道几个?


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