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He goes to work by bus. ________________.
A. So do I B. I so do
C. I do so D. So am I
Wang Fang is young,but she plays ping-pong _________ her mother.
A. as good as B. as well as
C. as better as D. as best as
1)Happy New Year! ____________.
A. Happy New Year, too B. Thank you very much
C. Youre right D. The same to you
2) Mum,can I watch TV now?
No, you must finish _____ your homework first.
A. doing B. do C. to do D. done
根据我们平时已学的finish一词的语法知识finish doing sth. 一读就会发现,空白处只有填doing才是正确的,读来顺口,就会马上确定A。
例1. ____ of the twins passed the exam because they worked hard at their lessons.
A. Every B. Neither C. None D. Both
简析:此题选D。B、C两项是否定含义的词,在句中逻辑上说不通。另外注意neither强调两者都不,none强调三者以上的都不。A项的 every只能作定语,不能作主语、表语或宾语。
例2. _____ the window. Whats happening there?
A. Look off B. Look over
C. Look out of D. Look for
简析:此题选C。此题考查带look的短评动词的用法。根据第二个句子问外面发生了什么事,可推知第一句是让往窗外看,故用look out of。look over是指医生检查病人,look for是寻找,A项短语不正确。
例3. _____ bad weather we are having! Weve never had _____ rainy days.
A.What a; such B. How; so
C. What; such D. What; so
简析:此题选C。第一个句子是感叹句,中心词是名词 weather,故应填 what,而非 how,又因 weather是不可数名词,所以 what后面不能加a。第二个句子中的 days是名词,故应填such,而非so。
I. 单项选择。
1. He came to China _______ 1998.
A. from B. since C. at D. in
2. ____ did you buy the new bag?Last Monday.
A. Where B. How C. When D. Who
3. Mr. Yang is too ______ to go on walking.
A. strong B. tall C. kind D. tired
4. ______ trees are cut down every year.
A. Thousand B. Thousands of
C. Thousands D. Thousand of
5. Hes lived here ________ 1980.
A. after B. in C. from D. since
6.Can you understand me ?
Sorry, I can__ understand you.
A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. ever
7. ______ does it take me to go from my school to your school ?About five minutes.
A. How many B. How far
C. How much D. How long
8. Hello. May I speak to Jim, please?
_________, please?
A. Who are you B. How is he
C. Who is that D. What are you
9. She asked me if I knew whose pen ______.
A. is it B. it was C. it is D. was it
10. Its cold outside. Youd better__ your coat.
A. put on B. put away C. put back D. put up
11.I have finished my homework.
When ______ you _______it?
A. have; finished B. do; finish
C. did; finish D. will; finish
12. Can I _____ your bike?
With pleasure. But you mustnt _____ it to others.
A. lend; borrow B. borrow; lend
C. carry; lend D. borrow; keep
13. ____ of them has an English dictionary.
A. Every B. Each C. Both D. All
14. It ____ me about ten minutes to go to school by bike every day.
A. pays B. spends C. costs D. takes
l5. Dont tell anybody about it. Keep it _____ you and me.
A. among B. between C. in D. with
16. Id like to _________ the word in French.
A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk
17. A strong wind will arrive in Harbin. It will _____ much rain.
A. bring B. take C. carry D. get
18. Its ______ a beautiful stamp.
A. quite B. too C. very D. so
19. He doesnt know ____ English because he has studied it for only ___ weeks.
A. much; a few B. little; few
C. few; little D. a few; a little
20. Its about _______ walk from my home.
A. ten minute B. ten minutes
C. ten minute D. ten-minutes
21. Is this your sock?
Yes, it is. But where is _____?
A. the others B. the other one
C. others D. other one
22. The radio is too noisy. Would you please _____ a little?
A. turn it off B. turn it down
C. stop it from D. pick it up
23. The woman had to do the farm work herself, ___?
A. did she B. didnt she C. had she D. wasnt she
24. He has_______for about twelve years.
A. bought the house B. left here
C. lived here D. gone there
25. Id like some water, but he wants ______.
A. two bottle orange B. two bottles of orange
C.two bottle oranges D. two bottles of oranges
26. Mike is learning ________a computer.
A. how can he use B. how to use
C. how he use D. how to using
27. You are just ______ for the game. Please come and join us.
A. in time B. on time
C. at times D. at the time
28. Who will teach ______ English next term?
A. ourselves B. us C. our D. ours
29. Everything is _____ lighter on the moon than on the earth.
A. so B. more C. much D. very
30. _____ do you go to see your parents?
Once a week.
A. How often B. How long
C. How soon D. When
I. 15 DCDBD 610 ADCBA 1115 CBBDB 1620 AAAAB 2125 BBBCB 2630 BABCA




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