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  19.Its very dufficult to ____ the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language.
  A.exchange B.transfer C.convey D.convert
  20.When we are reading,the important thing is to ____ the essential meaning,not to learn every single word.
  A.clasp B.grab C.grasp D.grapple
  21.Calipers are instruments that can be used to ____ the distance between two surfaces.
  A.count B.measure C.figure D.calculate
  22.The twins are so much alike that people find it difficult to ____ one from the other.
  A.separate B.compare C.choose D.distinguish
  23.Before I bought the jeans,I asked if I could ____ them on.
  A.put B.wear C.try D.have
  24.Harvard University has been ____ the best university in a recent annual survey.
  A.listed B.catalogued C.ranked D.classified
  答案:C C B D C C
  19.transfer转移,改变 convey传达,表达,传播
  20.clasp扣子,扣紧,拥抱 grab抓取,强夺,捕获 grasp理解,领会,掌握 grapple抓住,握紧
  24.catalogue目录 rank给...评级,列为,居首位




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