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成语、俗语、谚语,总之一切固定说法在 例1 Yet last week the New York Assembly struck a blow against multitasking, at least behind the wheel, when it approved a bill banning drivers in the state from using handheld cellular phones.
【评析】strike a blow against是成语,表示“反对”,如果逐字译为“对敲打了一击”,读者定会感到不知所云。behind the wheel虽不是成语,但是一种现在很流行的、公认的固定说法,意为“开车的时候”。这种说法是采用了修辞学里的借代法,即用wheel指代“汽车”。
例2 In truth,the writing was on the wall at a very early age.
【评析】如果把writing was on the wall译为“书法在墙上”不但语句不通,而且也不符合语法,at a very early age必须修饰人,即 句子里的主语必须是人。可是,这一句的主语是writing,故不能这样理解。the writing on the wall 或 the handwriting on the wall 是成语,意为“凶事的预料”。此处并没有直译成“凶事的预料”而是进行深层意思上的解释,进而进行概念化的 例3 He called me all kinds of names.
【评析】call somebody names是短语,意为“骂人”。如果 例4 She had been up to her ears doing laundry all day long.
【评析】 up to one’s /all ears也是一个短语,意为“深陷于”。如果逐字 例5 He thinks nothing of spending fifty dollars just for lunch!
【评析】如果把此句译成“他不想花50元吃一顿午餐”就错了, 因为think nothing of是“不在乎”。造成误译的原因是不知道think nothing of是一个成语。




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